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Marx Tom Corbett Space Cadet Playset

While many playsets issued by Louis Marx & Co depicted actual war scenes like the Civil War and Medieval Castles, occasionally they would foray into other areas, such as with the Tom Corbett Space Cadet Playset. This playset featured the space fantasy world from the Tom Corbett — Space Cadet television show that was broadcast from 1950 through 1955.

The Tom Corbett — Space Cadet show was a forerunner of Star Trek and other modern Sci-Fi shows that feature a futuristic, near Utopian, space travel culture. It did a little better than average in actually depicting the environment of outer space rather than becoming more like space fantasy like Lost in Space. Since the show dated from the early days of television and had trouble finding network home it isn't as well known but its influence has been present in shows from Star Trek to Babylon 5 to Firefly.

In addition to the Marx Tom Corbett Space Cadet Playset other tie-in toys were made such as View-Master reels, toy ray guns, costumes and, yes, the standard of the day, a lunch box. By the way, if you're reading this on a site other than vintagetoysoldiers dot blogspot dot com this means that you're not seeing the original article but an illegal copy.

The Marx Tom Corbett Space Cadet Playset was available roughly from 1952 through 1954 from what I've been able to determine. The set consisted of several plastic figures, some with space helmets. I'm not sure of the exact count from my research, perhaps this varied, but it's somewhere around 50 plastic toy soldiers/space cadets.

The Tom Corbett Playset also had a space cannon and rocket launcher with actual projectiles. There was also a flying saucer launcher that would propel the toy flying saucers into the air. Another vehicle in the set was a blue space car with a bubble roof. Finally, there were props like fuel tanks, desks and chairs and even a firing console.

The tin litho enclosure for this space playset was quite generous. It featured walls and a classroom building, complete with a space code transmitter (a Morse code clicker). Finding a set with all of the enclosure intact as well as most of the parts is a rare.

The Marx Tom Corbett Space Cadet Playset remains a popular collectible Marx playset due to its TV show tie-in and that it brings back the early 1950's feel for adventure toys.


Elastolin Toy Soldiers

Elastolin was the name of the material and the O. & M. Hausser company was the manufacturer of Elastolin Toy Soldiers. Elastolin was a composite material consisting of kaolin, glue and sawdust that the German company Hausser developed in 1912. Soon it became synonymous with the toy soldiers created by this multi-part, compression molding process and,after WWII, the plastic toy soldiers that the Hausser company began making at that time. Since Elastolin was used to brand the toys soldiers, people often don't recognize the actual company who made them. This is further confused by licensing arrangements and a buy out.

Pre-war Elastolin toy soldiers mirrored the rise of the Nazi German military in the 1930's with figures representing the SA, SS and other aspects of the WWII German military. Some personality pieces, such as Hitler himself, were produced. However, Hausser didn't limit themselves to just the German military. Figures for other countries were produced as well although often these figures sported German style accessories, like potato masher grenades and German style rifles and coats. The pre-war toy soldiers are rare on the market and often fetch a good price. In addition to modern era soldiers, Hausser also made Roman, Viking and Medieval toy soliders.

The Hausser company officially ended operations in 1983 and sold their molds for their plastic toy soldiers to the Preiser company. Preiser is also known for their model railroad products. Elastolin toy soldiers were also produced under license by the Ougen company in France and Continental Hobbies in the United States

Elastolin toy soldiers are 7cm scale. There are three basic versions of the paint jobs used on the plastic figures with many variations over the years and by licensee. In general, older figures have a greater attention to detail and more complex paint jobs.


How To Identify Britains Toy Soldiers

Today I thought I'd share a few tips on how to Identify Vintage Britains Toy Soldiers. The W. Britain company started making these hollowcast lead soldiers in the 1890's and there have been a number of variations over the years. Originally, these lead toy soldiers were intended for children to play with but today such lead toy are known to be toxic and are collected by nostalgic adults. In this article, we'll be taking a look at antique and early vintage Britains toy Soldiers made prior to WWII.

Antique Britains Toy Soldiers, those that were made over 100 years ago, most often have a round base without any markings. Sometimes these early toy soldiers will have a paper label with copyright information on the bottom of the base. At some point, Britains gradually changed to using rectangular base and began engraving the copyright information on the base rather than using the paper label.

Pre-WII vintage Britains Toy Soldiers generally exhibited a greater attention to detail on the paint jobs. Workers at the factory tended to take greater pains to insure a quality and detailed paint job and more expensive and colorful paints were used.

A tiny detail was that these early Britains Toy Soldiers had mustaches. Britains stopped painting mustaches on their soliders in 1938. I'll give you one guess as to what, or who, influenced that decision. Another stylistic decision that was probably also influenced by current events in the 1930's was the elimination of jack boots in favor of fully trousered soldiers.

While finding an antique Britains Toy Soldier with the original box is rare these days, they can also offer some clues to the date when the solider was produced. Early boxes were more elaborate and had fancy script printing while newer ones have more generic printing and fonts.

One thing to watch out for when you look at vintage Britains Toy Soldiers is that often you'll find damage to the figure from play and age. Things like helmet spikes, bayonets, lance tips and other little protrusions are often missing from these old toy soldiers. You should also watch out for things like repair and retouching that can affect the value of a antique lead toy solider.

I hope you've found this guide on how to Identify Antique Britains Toy Soldiers helpful.


Marx Playsets

In the realm of plastic toy soldiers, Marx Playsets are probably the most sought after toy soldiers. An intact, near mint, Marx Playset is a rare find since the little boys who owned these sets put them to good use. Finding some of the rarer sets, even in pieces and in fair condition, can be quite a challenge.

The heyday of Marx Playsets was in the 1950's and 1960's. Just about every boy in that era would have a Marx Playset circled in the Sears Christmas Catalog. Just ask anyone who was a kid back then. They'll tell you about the Marx Daniel Boone playset they asked Santa to bring. Or maybe they'll recall the Marx medieval castle playset with a real moat that could hold water until your little brother poked a hole in it. Perhaps they'll mention the Marx Civil War playset with light blue Union soldiers and gray Confederates. They could mention the popular Marx dinosaur playsets or Marx Western playsets.

Marx Playsets consisted of action figures, usually military, and accessories like cannons and diorama elements. The attraction of these playsets were that they were easy for kids to set up. Once setup they could lead to hours of make-believe fun.

Today, these kids are adults and enjoy collecting Marx playsets in order to recapture some of those happy childhood times. You can often find these vintage Marx playsets and individual pieces on online auctions sites like eBay. There have been some modern reissues as well but for the serious collector only the originals will do.

Do you have a Marx Playset story to add?


Collectible Toy Soldiers Free Catalogue

Where can one find a Collectible Toy Soldiers Free Catalog? If you're like me, when you were a kid you couldn't wait for the Sears Christmas Catalog to show up at your door. You could look at the toy soldier sets, like those from Marx, and dream about seeing them Christmas morning. I still enjoy looking at catalogs today even though I'm much older. Where are some sources for these catalogs today?

My favorite Collectible Toy Soldiers Free Catalog today is, as you might guess, eBay. I can spend a lot of time just surfing through and searching the collectible toy soldier listings there. If I'm not careful, I'll end up buying some too! However, you can't always have your computer with you. So, what are some offline collectible toy soldier catalogues you might consider?

Here's the problem, I've searched Google for 'Collectible Toy Soldiers Free Catalogue' and variations of this several times and I haven't been able to find any company that still offered free print catalogs. A few I knew about from years ago don't seem to be in business any longer. I guess that's one of the downsides of everything being available on eBay these days.

So, if you know of a company that provides a Free Print Catalog for Collectible Toy Soldiers please leave a comment here and let me know.


History of Toy Soldiers

As you begin to collect vintage toy soldiers you will discover the fascinating and interesting History of Toy Soldiers. Models and toys based on military forces have been around since the dawn of human civilization, having been found in archeological digs in Egypt and China. Production of tin soldiers for the toy market began in the 1700's in Europe. However, these military figurines did not become a popular child's toy until the late 1800's when mass production techniques made the cost of toy soldiers practical for the rising middle class.

William Britain of England developed a new method, called hollow casting, in 1893. This technique allowed his company to produce high quality toy soldiers faster and cheaper than his competitors in Germany. With the hollowcasting technique, the toy soldiers were lighter and more fun for kids to play with.

These early toy soldiers were made primarily from lead, a highly toxic element. However, people did not understand how dangerous it was at that time. Many other companies like John Hill & Company, Manoil, Barclays and others used lead alloy to manufacture their toy soldiers. Others, such as Elastolin and Lineol, used various non-metallic composites to create their lines of toy soldiers. These composites were usually some sort of sawdust and glue.

Plastic toy soldiers begin to enter the market in the late 1930's, however, WWII delayed their introduction on a mass scale until the 1950's. One of the first American companies to manufacture plastic toy soldiers was Beton. Plastic toy soldiers really took over the marketplace when the dangers of lead and lead alloys became clear to the public. This put many older toy manufacturers out of business when they couldn't adapt quickly enough to the change while it brought new opportunities to some.

One company that took great advantage of this shift was the Louis Marx and Company. Marx playsets were a staple of Christmas catalogs in the 1950's through 1970's. They made toy soldier playsets from many eras including the US Civil War, Indian Wars, Medieval times, the World Wars and others. They also made some collectible sets like US Presidents, Jesus and the Apostles and Queen Elizabeth.

W. Britain also made a successful transition by releasing plastic toy soldiers. Instead of selling these new figures under their established brand name they used new brand names, Herald and Deetail, to market these lines of toy soldiers. They retained the W. Britain name to produce collectible metal figurines for the collector market.

Another English company that did well in the plastic toy soldier market was Airfix. They produced a line of quality sets that were much admired by hobbyists. Their designs were often duplicated by Asian manufacturers as they entered the plastic toy soldier market in the early 1970's. These cheaply made bagged army men are still with us today.

Metal toy soldiers weren't completely abandoned in the 1970's though. Companies like Ral Partha and Grenadier made metal figurines for the table top wargaming and fantasy role playing gaming crowd. These highly detailed metal toy soldiers remain popular today. Collectors enjoy painting them to match their tastes.

In the 1990's collecting toy soldiers increased in popularity as a hobby. Companies like W. Britain started making higher end, highly detailed, toy soldiers for this growing market. These new toy soldiers, if you can still call them toys, are known for the fantastic details and historical accuracy.

It will be interesting to see where the history of toy soldiers goes from here.


Manoil Toy Soldiers

Manoil was one of the major makers of lead toy soliders in the 1930s through 1950s. The company was founded by Maurice Manoil and his brother Jack Manoil. The sculptor for Manoil was Walter Baetz. The company was founded in 1935. The first series of toy soldiers produced by Manoil were numbered from M1 through M128. Production was curtailed during WWII due to metal rationing but Manoil resumed production after the war was over. As plastics entered the market Manoil lost market share and went out of business in 1959.

Today Manoil toy soldiers are popular collectibles among vintage toy soldier enthusiasts.

Here are some of the M1 through M128 Manoil toy soldiers.

M1 through M3 are the Flag Bearer. M1 was a hollow base version.

M4 through M8 are the Parade soldier. M4 has a hollow base. M5 is the stocky version of this Manoil toy soldier. M6 is known for having a campaign hat. M7 has a number on the back. M8 is is final version of the Parade toy solider.

M9 and M10 are the Officer. The M9 version has the hollow base.

M11 and M12 are the Bugler, once again with the lower number having the hollow base.

M13 through M15 were the Drummer. Manoil made the M13 with a hollow base. M14 had a stocky build while M15 had a vertical drum.

M16 through M20 are the Prone Machine Gunner. M16 has grass on the base but for M17 Manoil used a flat base with no grass. In M18, you'll find spaces under the body. Both M19 and M20 don't have an opening between the hands and the gun and M20 has a pack on his back.

M21 and M22 are the Cadet. M21 has a hollow base with no belt buckle.

M23 and M24 are the Sailor. M23 is a bit unusual since there are two versions, a plain and a blue.

M25 and M26 are the Marine. As with other Manoil toy soldiers, the M25 has a hollow base.

M27 is the Ensign. Like the sailor, it was available in two different color schemes.

M28 and M29 are the Signal Man.

M30 through M33 were the cowboy. M32 and M33 featured the Cowboy with his hands up.

M34 through M35 are the Doctor. The doctor came in white, blue and khaki.

M36 is the Nurse. Manoil made two different versions under this number with the second version having no hem on the shorter skirt.

M37 is an Indian with a hatchet while M38 is an Indian with knives.

M39 through M41 is a seated Machine Gunner. The M39 Manoil toy soldier was made seated on 4 sandbags with a bullet feed from an ammo box. M40 looks similar although the sandbags are more square. M41 has markings under the base that are not present in the other toy soldiers.

M42 is a cannon loader toy soldier.

M43 through M48 are a sniper toy solider. M43 through M46 feature a kneeling figure with different rifle styles on each. M47 and 48 have the toy soldier standing with a folding rifle being held by M47. Manoil made two versions of the M48 with slightly different rifle configurations.

M49 and M50 are a Tommy gunner.

M51 is an Observer toy soldier, kneeling with binoculars.

M52 through M54 are Wounded soldiers. M52 is walking wounded while the other two are lying down.

M55 and M56 are grenade throwers. M55 is carrying 3 grenades while Manoil made M56 with only 2 grenades.

M57 and M58 are the stretcher carrier toy soldier. M57 doesn't have a medical kit while M58 does. Manoil made a more detailed version of M58 that has uniform details.

M59 is a seated soldier.

M60 is an Aviator with his hands in his pockets.

M61 is a Hostess and Manoil made her in white, green and Khaki.

M62 through M67 is a soldier in different poses. M62 is doing a bayonet charge. M63 is charging with a gun. M64 is jabbing with the butt of the gun. M65 is stabbing with a bayonet. M66 is kneeling and is welding a bayonet. M67 is in a crouch with a grenade.

M68 is a doctor in a crawling pose.

M69 is an officer in the prone position and shooting a revolver.

M70 and M71 are a toy soldier in a crawling pose.

M72 is a soldier lying down with a periscope.

M73 though M74 are an Anti-aircraft gunner

M75 is an anti-aircraft searchlight being operated by a soldier. Manoil made 3 versions of this figure.

M76 is a Sailor with a Navy Gun

M77 and M78 are a policeman.

M79 is a soldier riding a bicycle. There were two variations of this toy soldier made by Manoil.

M80 is a Motorized machine gunner

M81 and M82 are a solider riding a Motorcycle.

M83 through M85 is a seated unarmed soldier who is in different poses, such as eating or looking at a map.

M86 is a Paymaster handing out cash while standing on a safe.

M87 is a prone sniper wrapped in camouflage.

M88 is a paratrooper. There were two color variations, green and white.

M89 is a seated soldier writing a letter

M90 and M91 are a cook with a ladle.

M92 is a soldier taking a picture with a camera.

M93 and M94 are a soldier with a gas mask. M93 is carrying a rifle while M94 is holding a flare gun.

M95 is an African-American soldier playing a banjo. A little politically incorrect today but that's the way things were in the 1930's when Manoil was making toy soldiers.

M96 and M97 are deep sea divers.

M98 is a soldier carrying a gun in a parade formation with an overseas cap.

M99 is a soldier with a gun and pack who is marching.

M100 is a boxer.

M101 Is a lineman with a telephone pole. There were at least two variations of the base of the pole made by Manoil.

M102 through M104 is a soldier with an anti-tank gun.

M105 is a soldier marching with a gun slung at a jaunty angle.

M106 through M109 is an anti-aircraft machine gunner. M107 and M108 has a helper while M109 has a range finder.

M110 is a soldier with a mortar.

M111 is a soldier holding a mortar round.

M112 is an aviator holding a bomb. There are two variations of this figure that were made by Manoil.

M113 and M114 is an aircraft mechanic carrying a propeller. There are different colors available on the propeller.

M115 is a pilot carrying a bomb sight.

M116 is a standing radios operator while M117 is a radio operator lying down.

M118 Is a soldier digging a trench.

M119 and M120 feature a soldier carrying a roll of barbed wire.

M121 is a Fireman. Manoil made this toy in both white and gray.

M122 is a soldier walking guard duty.

M123 and M124 has a soldier pulling a small cannon.

M125 features a soldier on skis.

M126 has a soldier lying prone with a machine gun dress in winter gear.

M127 is a paratrooper in flight.

M128 is a machine gun paratrooper.

That's it for Manoil toy soldiers M1 through M128.

Vintage Marx Toy Soldiers and Playsets

Marx Playsets remain among the most popular toy soldier sets in the vintage toy soldier market today. These playsets from the Louis Marx Company appeared in the 1950's and were available up until the 1970's when the company fell into disarray after it was sold off upon Marx's retirement. Collecting Marx toy soldiers and playsets has been a popular hobby ever since.

If you're in your 40's like me or if you're older, you probably remember perusing Christmas catalogs for the Marx playsets. One year I got a Civil War Marx Playset that I treasured for years. Marx Playsets had great details, such as wounded soldiers, stretchers, cannons that fired and spring loaded buildings that would blow up.

Marx sets were usually war related from various periods such as the American Civil War, WWII and medieval times. However, there were also Marx western playsets that were quite popular as well. The highly details Marx playsets allowed kids to setup their own miniature battlefields and have fun creating pretended battles. These sets were great fun to play with either by yourself or with friends. When you were a kid did you do your own gruesome sound effects? I did.

Marx playsets during their heyday were mostly plastic with some metal parts. The toy soldiers themselves were a soft plastic while accessories like buildings, cannons, and so forth were either hard plastic or metal. Often a plastic terrain sheet was included with the set for a more realistic look. Marx originally sold toys made of metal before WWII but they switched to plastic after the war as a cost cutting move.

Collecting Marx playsets is a fun hobby for those of us who remember them from their childhood and for younger people with a taste for the nostalgic. There are even reissues being sold today, some that even use the original molds, but vintage Marx toy soldiers and accessories are what are considered valuable to serious collectors.


Common Vintage Toy Soldier Materials

There are several different types of vintage toy soldiers that have been produced over the years. Often the deciding factor in what materials to use to cast the soldier depended upon availability of the materials as well as the available manufacturing technology.

Each material type of toy soldier has its fans and collectors. Let's look at a few of them, shall we?

Plastic Army Men have been around for decades. These inexpensive, unpainted, soft plastic figures were usually sold in Five and Dime stores back in the days before WalMart and dollar stores. Generally they were sold in bags along with vehicles and terrain pieces. The quality of these items was usually rather low although there are some very good examples around.

A cut above these mass produced consumer figures are Plastic Toy Soldiers. Unlike the cheaper variety they're made with better quality plastics, either hard or soft, and generally have more detailed castings. These figures are often painted, either at the factory or by the individual who purchases them.

Before plastic toys soldiers came into vogue in the late 1950's and early 1960's, Dime Store toy soldiers were often made of cast iron. Like their plastic descendants, these were cheaply made although you can find some excellent castings if you look. These toy solders were common in the United States.

In Europe, where cast iron was more costly, the material of choice was aluminum before the advent of plastics. Where metal was too expensive, such as in Germany, toy soldiers were made from a mixture of sawdust and glue.

Another type of tin soldier was made in slate molds. This type was a thin and two dimensional figurine.

Lead was commonly used in manufacturing toy soldiers as well. This inexpensive and soft metal was used for both hollow and solid toy soldier figurines. Unfortunately, lead is toxic, making it a poor choice for a child's toy and not a particularly good thing for adults to handle on a regular basis either.

Paper cut out toy soldiers or cardboard toy soldiers have also been around for a while too. Some of these were simple printings while others have been marvelously detailed. Sometimes these paper toy soldiers have been glued to wooden blocks, sort of like game pieces.

Lastly, there are made for the collector toy soldiers which were made with adult collectors in mind. These may be cast from metal or carved from wood. They feature a high level of detail both from the casting or carving and the professional quality hand painting of the figurine.

There you have it, the Common Vintage Toy Soldier Material Types.

Tips For Buying Vintage Toy Soldiers Online

While collecting Vintage Toy Soldiers is a lot of fun you should know how to buy these figurines with confidence from online outlets like eBay and other auction and merchant sites.

You must first know what you're intending to purchase. You should carefully read all of the details in the item listings and closely examine the pictures. Is it what you're looking for? Does the seller provide enough details for you to make an informed choice about your toy soldier purchase?

Don't be afraid to ask the seller of a Vintage Toy Soldier piece or set a question about what they're selling. A good seller should respond quickly, at least within 24 hours. Those who don't respond to your questions should be avoided. On eBay, you can use the ask the seller a question link to send your query.

Make sure that you completely understand the shipping charges. Always factor this into your final cost of the soldier or set you're buying. If the shipping charges seem out of line, ask about lowering them to a more reasonable price.

You can research the seller of Vintage Toy Soldiers by examining their eBay feedback. Some good sellers will have a few negatives due to impossible-to-please customers but you should probably avoid sellers who have consistent customer service problems. Also look for sellers that have over 100 eBay transactions under their belt. While a novice seller may have a neat toy soldier, the transaction may not flow as smoothly due to their inexperience.

Also check for a return policy. Top eBay sellers of toy soldiers and other toy collectibles generally operate like a business and will accept returns. Individuals who're part time sellers may not be as generous so make sure you read their fine print on returns. If there is any doubt, ask about it.

When you are buying from someone on eBay, always conduct your transaction through eBay. Do not accept offers to conduct business outside of eBay since you won't have as much protection if you're dealing with an individual, part time, seller. A legitimate business selling toy soliders outside of eBay would be a different matter though.

You should never, ever, use a money transfer service like Western Union to purchase merchandise over the Internet. Many people have lost their money doing this.

I recommend paying for your purchase using a credit card through PayPal. This gives you the maximum protection since this will not only allow you to dispute a problem with PayPal but through your credit card company as well. Plus, using PayPal means that the seller will not have access to your confidential financial information.

Well, those are my Tips For Buying Vintage Toy Soldiers Online. Happy buying!


Vintage Toy Soldier Condition Gradings

When grading the condition of Vintage Toy Soldiers we can, with some confidence, stick to 5 general levels of quality: Mint, Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor. Unlike some collectibles, such as coins, stamps and comics, these grades of item quality aren't as tightly defined. However, here are some guidelines you can go by.

Mint condition should only refer to a figure that is in perfect condition and that has not been removed from the original factory packaging, if there was any. One cannot say that an item is mint if it has been removed from the package. Also, the toy soldier in question must not have any factory flaws. While it is rare to see vintage toy soldiers in the original package they do pop up on eBay and other auction sites from time to time.

Excellent condition, which might also be referred to as "like new", is used to indicate a figure that has been removed from the package or has other changes. For example, a soldier with a new, high quality, paint job obviously isn't in factory mint condition but would be considered to be in excellent condition. This is the quality level you should target although you will find as you collect vintage toy soldiers that figures of this quality are rather rare.

Good condition generally indicates that the toy soldier in question has been played with by a child (or child at heart) to some degree. These figures could have minor flaws and damage that has been well repaired. The paint job might be chipped and scrapped very slightly. A vintage toy soldier in this condition should still be acceptable for a collection and the flaws should be minor enough so as not to distract from the visual quality and enjoyment of the figure in a collection.

Fair condition means that the toy has been played with considerably but that a substantial portion of the original paint remains on the figure. The toy soldier may have minor, unrepaired, damage. For the most part, these figures aren't of collectible quality but they can serve as place keepers for better toy soldiers at a later date.

Poor condition means a piece that has very substantial damage, such as missing limbs or accessories, and has no collectible value at all. However, don't despair. These vintage toy soldiers can be used to build dioramas or serve as spare parts for other figures.

Let me know if this information on grading the condition of Vintage Toy Soldiers has been helpful to you.

How to Buy Vintage Toy Soldiers

I thought that I would start off by providing these helpful hints and facts about buying Vintage Toy Soldiers. Collecting them can be quite an interesting hobby for the novice and expert alike.

In general, complete toy soldier playsets are a better deal than individual pieces. While some sets can command a high price, often this will be at a discount as compared to obtaining the complete set piece by piece.

Be careful if there are reissues or re-releases for the set or individual figures that you are interested in purchasing. Confirm with the seller that they are certain that the toy soldiers in question are original. While collecting a reissue is a good way to fill in gaps in your collection, you don't want to pay original prices for it!

You should always ask the seller of an older toy solider or set if the items in question are showing signs of being brittle or otherwise being fragile with age. Of course, you should also inquire about any damages or missing pieces. Make sure you check these details before committing to a purchase.

Another thing you should ask about is if the figures in a set of Vintage Toy Soldiers are still attached to the sprue or tree. This can affect the value of certain sets for various reasons.

Another great thing you can do with your excess soldier figures is put them up for sale or trade yourself. If you have acquired several examples of one figure perhaps you can work a deal for parts or figures you don't have.

Lastly, make sure that you ask the online seller of Vintage Toy Soldiers how they secure the figures and/or sets for shipping. You do not want to decrease the value of your purchase due to damage on the external packaging or on the figure itself. I've had figures shipped to me with virtually no padding in thin boxes so always ask about this important detail when it comes to shipping the toy solider to you.

I hope this has provided you with some useful information about How to Buy Vintage Toy Soldiers.

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